Your Membership Registration Guide – How to Become a WNA Member

1. Create an account

Create a user account. You can do this by either selecting Sign up from the menu at the top of any page (including this one ?).

What if I already have an account?
All accounts from prior years are now obsolete because we have migrated to a new, more advanced membership management system.

If you have not created a new account since last year, please go ahead and do so now using the method pictured below!

Complete the user registration form. You know the drill. Provide your name, email, phone, etc. to complete the form and click Submit to create your account.

Lastly, confirm your email address. Look for an email with the subject Email verification at Westmorland Neighborhood. Click the link within.

Congratulations! The first step is complete. You are an active user. Now, let’s become a member.

What if you don't see the email?
Please be sure to check your spam. Again, the subject should be Email Verification at Westmorland Neighborhood. Reach out to us if you continue to experience issues.

2. Register your household

Find the membership form. Log in to the website (see Sign in above) and select Become a member from the menu at the top of any page (including this one ?).

Add your household address. You should now see the membership form. Complete the first section by providing your address.

Add your household members. Next, add any adults and children to your household. To do this, provide their names and information in the forms and click add.

Next, select your membership directory preferences. Becoming a WNA member means getting access to our member directory. Choose (1) whether you’d like to opt-out of your household being listed in the directory and (2) whether you’d like a print version of the directory.

Print vs. online member directory
The print directory is traditionally issued every other year. However, an always up-to-date, digital version of the directory is available 24/7 online.

Lastly, add any activities you’re interested in. These activities include volunteer opportunities for adults and work opportunities for kids. Check the boxes to signal your household members’ interest in each activity.

Almost done! Select Continue to payment.

3. Select your membership level

Select the level that is right for you. On the next page, you’ll find three membership levels. Choose the one that’s right for you.

Understand that membership is the main source of revenue for all of WNA’s operations, services, and events. The more you support the more our volunteers can do for you and our community!

Select a payment method. Use your credit card by selecting Stripe. Or use PayPal. Then click Submit, and complete payment through your chosen method.

You membership is now complete. (Look for a receipt in your email.)

That’s it 🙂

On behalf of the Westmorland Neighborhood Association (WNA) and our team of volunteer organizers, thank you for your support!

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Author: Conner Cowling – WNA Technology Chair

Father of three, software professional, youth soccer coach, and WNA board member. Conner moved to Westmorland in 2019 and joined the board in 2020. He is responsible for WNA's website and other technology related operations.

2024-2025 Membership Drive on Now!
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