The Westmorland Courier is posted on our website and distributed six times a year directly to the doors of about 1,000 homes in the Westmorland Neighborhood located in Madison, Wisconsin.
Our neighborhood is bordered by Mineral Point Road/Speedway Road to the north, Forest Hill Cemetery to the east, the Southwest Commuter Pedestrian/Bike Path to the south, and Midvale Boulevard to the west. The Courier has been in print for over 80 years and contains information on activities and topics that pertain to the neighborhood. It provides a low cost means of advertising to an established community and is hand-delivered by volunteers and block captains.
Each issue of the Courier has space designated for articles, information about community events and advertising. The editor receives numerous announcements on community events from businesses, non-profit groups, churches, and community organizations. The selection of which articles get included depends on the size of the announcement, the timing of event dates, and how the topic pertains to the neighborhood.

See PDF below for full details.